Monday, February 23, 2009

Procrastination woooo

[Hi everyone! This is my first blog post! I hope I can do a lot of good things with this and I hope people who do read it enjoy it!]

You know those days when you don't feel like doing anything? That you'd rather lay around and watch the hands tick away on the clock?

Yep, that's me.

I've been feeling this way ever since the first week of the current semester. Which really stinks because I promised myself that I wouldn't fall behind on my schoolwork at all and stay right on top of it so I would have less stress in my life. But alas, here I am, on Blogger/Facebook/Jezebel (which, btw, a shout-out goes to you bishes!), doing nothing but random stuff.

I guess God was being generous to me this semester, since most of my classes aren't too hard or require too much work. But still, I feel terrible for not having more of a work ethic.

Like take my friend Sarah, for instance. She's an extremely hard-working person with a great GPA and is in the honors program at her school. She wants to get her PhD. in history, I believe, and she wants to go to graduate school in England.

Me? I'm an (above) average student, with a 3.03 GPA and plenty of B's in my classes. I might want to go to law school after college, but that's still up in the air. Yet even if I do want to go to law school, I'm just afraid I won't be good enough to get in...

I'm very envious of my friend's work ethic and aspirations. But she had more opportunities than I did: she took AP/Honors courses in high school, while I was stuck in the academic or ACES (learning support) classes, despite being smarter and more talented than that. Yet I make best with what I have and I'm pretty lucky that I can handle most of these college classes.

I don't know why I have such a hard time with doing homework and staying on top of it. Maybe it's because I'm constantly under stress at home and work that I have to use this time to keep my sanity. Maybe I'm just naturally lazy.

I don't know. I'll figure out what I'll do...tomorrow.


  1. I think work ethic can be improved when you really want to. I used to be a just above average student who happened to be blessed with some moderate amount of brainpower. That also meant I did exceptionally well in subjects I liked and only barely passed classes I didn't have much of a knack for. Since this is my first semester in college and I graduated so late because I went to school in Germany, I decided I needed to excel to stand out from people who were younger than I am. I've been doing all my school work on time, making sure to participate in class . . . and yet I sometimes don't put as much effort into classes I REALLY OUGHT TO. (Say, voice lessons. Dear God. It takes a lot to kick myself in the ass and actually practice.)

    You can do it, if you want to. Figuring out the future is no easy task.

    - Dani

  2. I envy the work ethic of people that have one. I do not have one at all. It sucks, because I know what I COULD be doing if I put in the effort, I'm just not doing it because I am unmotivated and lazy. But bed is such a nice place to be!

    Also, hi!! VadgeWig (that's me!) loves you :)
