Sunday, June 14, 2009

A life-changing decision

I've made a very important decision that might really change my entire future:

I am leaving my family without them knowing.

I have had enough of the chaos and the abuse I had to endure these past few years in the house. I never had a chance to leave before now because nobody in my area was willing to take me in or give two shits about my well-being (when I told so-called "friends" about my problems at home, they would just say, "uhh...what do you expect us to do? Coddle you?"). But now I have an escape and I'm staying with a good friend of mine in one state away and I'm leaving Sunday.

I'm not going to change my mind, but I'm scared shitless. I will have almost no money after I pay for the ticket, I'm worried that I might not be able to go back to school in the end of August and my mother might disown me.

I'm doing this because I don't want to put my life at risk anymore, nor let people use me as an excuse for all the problems at home. But she might not get that. And I want her to get help because she's not happy with life right now, but I can't be in the picture if I'm causing so much crap. And there's always the risk that she'll ruin my life if I do go back home for school.

I'm not backing down from this, but I'm just not prepared for what might happen... I'm worried about money the most, since I would feel so horrible and selfish if I mooch money off of people. And I hope my mom will understand why I did what I did...

1 comment:

  1. GOOD FOR YOU. This is what you need to do for YOU and I hope that it works out for you. <3
